Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another school year is in the books!

Today ended another school year at Lockney ISD. Tomorrow night, the class of 2010 graduates and then beginning Tuesday, the summer routines begin. This summer should be different because construction will start on the high school building to replace the one that was burned in January 2009. If everything goes according to schedule, we should be getting ready to occupy the new building around this time next year.

I'm not one to voice my opinion on politics very often but I have to agree with veteran Colorado journalist Chuck Green in that it's time the Obama administration started taking responsibility for their failures (and successes) and stop blaming the previous Bush administration. (You can read Green's column at this link --

Now don't misunderstand me, I respect the OFFICE of President of the United States but I don't always respect the holder of the office. Mr. Obama and his cronies in Congress have done nothing but drive this country further into debt and guided this country away from what the founding fathers envisioned. His lack of a quick and effective response regarding the oil spill in the Gulf is as bad as what happened with the previous administration and their issues following the hurricanes that hit Louisiana.

Okay, enough on politics! I thought this would be one of my slower summers in several years but the education region that my school district is a part of is starting a wide-area, licensed radio frequency network and there is going to be lots of planning and preparing for the installation to begin. Also, TEA (Texas Education Agency) is beginning a new project that every teacher and administrator will be a part of will include online professional development and collaboration which means the IT directors around the state are responsible for uploading the district's personnel to the service. I'm also attending a workshop or two including one on the iPad. Now my district is a 100% Windows but I'm curious about the iPad although since ATT Wireless doesn't provide 3G service (or any service) in our area, my getting one or even considering implementing them into the school has basically a zero percent chance. I'm also awaiting change approvals from the E-Rate people in order to start an update to our network infrastructure. Overall, I guess it'll be a fairly active summer. I do plan to get a couple of weeks of vacation in this year since last year I barely got one week in due to issues after the high school fire and deploying 70+ new computers throughout the district. Who knows what other projects I'll get involved in this summer.

My closing thought for the day: "When the solution is simple, God is answering." -- Albert Einstein

I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given to me -- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. -- Acts 20:24 (NIV)

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