Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Quiet night at home...

I took the grand daughters to Lubbock to reunite with their mom and dad after four days with Doakie and Gramps. The house is sure quiet tonight and I'm not going to have to battle anyone to get them to go to sleep. I am looking forward to the weekend when we'll meet up with them in San Angelo at my father-in-law's shrimp boil. The three-year-old grand daughter likes shrimp nearly as much as my daughter and myself.

I'm not much of a major league baseball fan but baseball really made some news tonight. First, the first base umpire in the Detroit/Cleveland totally blew the call on what should have been the THIRD PERFECT GAME of the year. Give the ump credit for admitting his mistake after the game but that was too late for Detroit pitcher Armando Galarraga. Bud Selig needs to make it right and overturn the call!! The second big thing was the announcement of the retirement of Ken Griffey, Jr after 22 years, 630 home runs and numerous outstanding catches in center field. Junior was one of the class acts in MLB even in a time when others were "cheating" with steroids and human growth hormones.

BP still can't get the oil well plugged down in the Gulf. Maybe it's time they admit that they are incapable of solving this major problem and ask for help for any and everyone that's willing to help. Can you believe that Obama is trying to distance himself from this mess?

My closing thought for the night: "You might not be able to solve the World's Problem but when you help even one person, you become part of the Solution."

Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. -- Hebrews 9:28 (NIV)

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